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Who stole my will power ?

flakeTuesday 7th May, 2019.  This is it, I’m going for it.  In some ways I felt excited, like first day at school, first date with a new girlfriend, starting a new job.  Not sure what to expect, not sure what was going to happen.

I took this day as annual leave as I was involved in a Schools athletics competition, carrying out my duties as electronic timing and photofinish operator.  I don’t normally eat too much on those days as they can be busy, and if I eat and drink I often need to go to the bathroom and this day was not going to give me many opportunities for any of this.  I had prepped myself well, two hard boiled eggs for breakfast (156 Calories) – this was my usual breakfast anyway.  I had taken a diet protein shake with me, 200 calories, and I was planning on a regular meal when I returned home.  The day was going well, at lunchtime the diet shake was consumed – absolutely disgusting, and thick and creamy, but it was going to do me some good, right ?  Then it happened – I got offered a sandwich, cheese and ham on white bread.  Looked yummy, and I am sure I saw that sandwich stick a tongue out at my empty protein shake bottle.  Without any hesitation I took it, and before I had even had a chance to fully appreciate I was eating something it had gone from existence – there was another 300 calories gone.  So far, 656 calories consumed, just 144 left to go today, and I hadn’t even had my dinner !!

What happened next I think typifies my life for the past few years, and is one of the reasons I am at where I am today, I got offered a chocolate bar – and I took it.  I didn’t even question that I was about to eat it, the thoughts of Fast 800 were nowhere to be seen, I just took off the wrapper, chewed a few times and swallowed it, an instant hit – I am a drug dealers wet dream, except that drug dealer was a member of a Quaker family from my home town of Birmingham, Mr Cadbury.

My food diary for that day states: Mini Flake, 4x bars, 300 Calories.  I know that is a lie, I know I consumed at least 8 that day, I had the wrappers to prove it, I just couldn’t write down the true amount.  I went home, I had dinner.


On Wednesday May 8th 2019 I started The Fast 800 diet

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